Astrology News Reporter

New Patterns in the Zodiac for 2nd Half of July

New Patterns in the Zodiac for end of July 2017: Mars with Mercury is not good for Rational Discussion, leading to Media Fights. Uranus is Square to Mars indicating strong potential for Violence. Mercury leaves Mars when it enters Leo on July 20. Mercury combines with Rahu, which distorts Mercury’s significations. The New Moon is born in conjunction with Mars, indicating even more Conflict and Controversy for the coming lunar month.


Donnie and Vlad in Hamburg: a Love Story

Vedic Astrology interpretation of World Events: July 9, 2017. Astrology analysis of Donald Trump meeting Vladimir Putin. The chart of the meeting indicates the nature of what transpired. Mars transiting in the USA chart’s 7th house of Partner Countries prevented any major agreement between the USA and Partner Countries.


Predictions Based on the August 2017 Solar Eclipse

Vedic Astrology Predictions for August 21, 2017 Eclipse. An eclipse signifies an Important Change is coming. The Event occurs when a planet subsequently interacts with the eclipse point. For the August eclipse, Mars and Retrograde Mercury will combine with the Eclipse Point in early September. The Solar Eclipse also interacts strongly with Donald Trump’s Astrology Chart, indicating a major event in his life.


Mercury Separates From Mars; an Intense Full Moon

Astrology pattern for early July, 2017. Mercury changes signs, entering Cancer. Mercury separates from Mars, but only for a week: Mars enters Cancer on July 11, again joining Mercury. Mars is debilitated in Cancer. Mars in Cancer has important effects on Astrology Chart of Donald Trump. The Full Moon on July 8 will be conjunct Pluto and opposed by Mars, indicating high energy for Destruction and Rejuvenation.


Mercury conjunct Mars =GOP Health Care Bill Goes Down

Planetary pattern of Mars conjunct Mercury indicates doom for the GOP Health Care Bill. Mars is planet of Combat; Mercury is planet of Voting. Mars planet of Attack + Mercury planet of The Media =Attack by the Media. Jupiter planet of Truth and Justice is strong this month, and transits in the 10th house of the USA chart =The Leadership affected by planet of Law: Trump administration “lawyers-up” to defend against Russia Probe.


Mercury joins Mars in Gemini =Contentious Communications

New planetary patterns for the end of June 2017. Mercury enters Gemini and joins Mars. This is not a good combination for Rational Thinking, Making Decisions, etc. Saturn retrogrades into Scorpio, a rather malefic combination that will cause problems for the next few months. Donald Trump’s astrology chart is heavily affected by Saturn in Scorpio. This month’s Gemini New Moon will further boost the energy of the Mars-Mercury conjunction.


Saturn in Trouble = Breakdown of Established Order

Astrology analysis of Current Events, June 11, 2017. Saturn the planet of Established Order is vulnerable, leading to Instability of Societal Structures. James Comey testifies before Senate Intel Committee. Qatar put under heavy sanctions by Arab neighbors. British Elections lead to Conservative party weakening its grasp on power. Mars transit threatens to unhinge Trump in coming weeks.


Venus + Uranus = Damage to US International Relationships

Venus planet of Agreement + Uranus planet of Rebellion is bad for Treaties and Friendships; Mars in Gemini is bad for Consensus. Trump withdraws US from Paris Climate Accord and damages US reputation. Mars afflicting Trump’s natal chart shows affects on his advisors this week: Comey Testimony will damage Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, etc. Venus conjunct Uranus =Entertainment + Shocking: Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Wonder Woman.


New Planet Positions & Analysis for Venus, Mercury, Mars for June 2017

New planetary pattern in the zodiac for June 2017. Venus in Aries is planet of Love in the sign of Adventure. Venus conjunct Uranus =Unusual Romance. Mercury in Taurus is good for Business Dealings. Mars in Gemini is not a good fit: the planet of Aggression in the sign of Diplomacy; analysis of Mars in Gemini for each Rising Sign Chart.


Mars Transit in Gemini: May 26 – July 11

New Planetary Pattern: Mars in Gemini for 6 weeks starts May 26. The natural characteristics of Mars are not compatible with the qualities of Gemini: Mars is Aggressive; Gemini is Diplomatic. Mars is Action; Gemini is Mental. The result will be a lot of Controversy, Argument, etc. As soon as Mars enters Gemini it is opposed to Saturn. Also: New Moon in Taurus this week, lunar month of Jyeshtha, and beginning of Ramadan.

