Special Reports

Jupiter Changes Signs to Virgo: Analysis for Your Chart

Jupiter enters Sidereal Virgo on August 11, 2016. The planet of Opportunity, Faith, Prosperity, Truth, Wisdom, etc. creates a new pattern for everyone for the next 12 months. Analysis of the effects of Jupiter in Virgo for your astrology chart, based on your rising sign.


Jupiter Changes Signs to Virgo: Analysis for Your Chart

Jupiter enters Sidereal Virgo on August 11, 2016. The planet of Opportunity, Faith, Prosperity, Truth, Wisdom, etc. creates a new pattern for everyone for the next 12 months. Analysis of the effects of Jupiter in Virgo for your astrology chart, based on your rising sign.


Mars + Saturn transit in Scorpio: Predictions for Each Sign

Mars and Saturn are together in Scorpio from July 12 until September 17, 2016. This is an Intense and Stressful planetary combinations, with major implications for Effects & Events. Analysis of the potential impact for each Rising Sign.


Predictions for 2016 Election: Clinton vs Trump

Vedic Astrology Analysis of the 2016 Presidential Election. Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Birth Chart with current predictions. Analysis of Donald Trump’s Birth Chart with current predictions. The positions of the planets on Election Day, November 8, analyzed for effects on both Clinton & Trump’s charts.


Predictions for the USA: Rahu Major Period Begins

According to Vedic Astrology, the United States began a new Major Period in November 2015. Analysis of Rahu in the US Vedic Astrology Chart gives predictions for the upcoming years. Compare to the last US Rahu Major period: 1896 -1914


Can Donald Trump be the Republican Nominee?

Vedic Astrology Analysis of Donald Trump’s Birth Chart. Mr. Trump is Leo Rising, with Mars conjunct the Ascendant. There are a number of intense combinations in the chart. He was born on a Full Moon, just before a Total Eclipse. Sun conjunct Rahu makes him Obsessed with Success. The Predictive Analysis for Mr. Trump for 2016 indicates he is not going to back down, and that he has a real shot at winning the nomination.


Astrology Update for Hillary Clinton

Current Events and Vedic Astrology: Hillary Clinton triumphs at the Benghazi Committee hearing. Clinton’s Astrology Chart shows how she was able to defeat the Republicans on their own turf. Analysis of transits in Ms. Clinton’s chart indicates some rough times ahead.


Bernie Sanders 2016: Astrology Analysis & Predictions

Special Report Segment: Bernie Sanders 2016. What are his chances?
Astrology Chart of Senator Sanders, Analysis, and Predictions for 2015 -2016.


Mars + Venus =Shocking Events; The Donald Show Continues

Current Events & Vedic Astrology: Review of Past Week, August 23 -30, 2015. Three simultaneous conjunctions in the zodiac foretold shocking events: World Markets tumble, a heroic rescue on a Paris-bound train; the on-camera murder of two news reporters; a truck-full of bodies on the Austrian-Hungarian border. Why does the Donald Trump Show continue? Clues found in the USA Vedic Astrology Chart.

Fallout from Venus Retrograde

Current Events analyzed by Vedic Astrology: August 2015. Venus Retrograde =Re-doing relationships: the US and Cuba, Prime Minister Tsipras and Greece. Venus is the planet of Finance & Value: China devalues; stock markets crash. Venus combines with Mars= planet of Marriage + planet of Destruction: the Ashley Madison affair.
