Upcoming Planetary Positions and Predictions

Venus with Jupiter = Young Women + The Truth

Planetary Patterns for mid-November 2017. Venus conjunct Jupiter =Romance + Opportunity, but has other significations as well: Venus is Young Females; Jupiter is Truth and Morality. Scorpio New Moon on Nov 18 and Mercury yoga with Mars will continue to emphasize Investigations. Mars Square to Pluto threatens large scale violent events.


New Planetary Pattern forms for November 2017

Mercury and Venus change signs at the beginning of the month. Mercury enters Scorpio and forms Parivartana Yoga with Mars in Virgo, indicating a month of Facts & Investigations. Venus enters Libra and joins up with Jupiter for most of November. Full Moon in sidereal Aries on Nov 3 lines up with Uranus-Venus opposition. Saturn now transits in the USA Astrology Chart Ascendant while Mars transits in 10th House of Leadership.

New Planetary Patterns for 2nd Half of October, 2017

Important new patterns in the zodiac for 2nd half of October. Mars is conjunct Venus in Virgo. Forceful Mars overwhelms Venus =Agreement hard to achieve. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Libra. Mercury planet of Facts is contaminated by Jupiter planet of Beliefs & Ideology. Mercury and Jupiter are also opposite Uranus, planet of Realization. The New Moon is exactly opposite Uranus, and simultaneously conjunct Mercury & Jupiter.


This Week: Planetary Patterns for Passion, Idealism, Disruption, Deception

Complicated planetary patterns for the last week of September put the two main benefit planets, Venus and Jupiter, at a distinct disadvantage. Venus is opposed by Neptune; Jupiter is opposed by Uranus. The good news is that Mercury enters Virgo, which makes the planet of Rational Thinking and Analysis strong.

Powerful Planet Combinations for First Half of October, 2017

The first 2 weeks of October 2017 have intense planetary patterns. Mars is conjunct Venus, indicating Excitement, Passion, Argument, Forced Situations. Mars square Saturn is a combination that will lead to Tension, Stress, and potential Crisis. The Mars-Saturn square has a major impact on Donald Trump. The Full Moon is on Oct 5 in sidereal Pisces, and directly opposite Mercury.

Mars, Mercury, & Venus Come Together in Leo

Mars, Mercury and Venus are together for the 2nd half of September. Mars + Mercury = Argument. Mars + Venus = Passion. Mars and Mercury are also opposite Neptune, making Actions Unrealistic, and contaminating Rational Thinking with Fantasy, Deception, and Idealism. The New Moon in Virgo concentrates these energy patterns for the lunar month. Jupiter is opposite Uranus, providing Encouragement for Rebellion, and potential for Surprising Events in the Legal sector.

Mercury Retrograde Ends Conjunct Mars; Preview of September

Mercury Retrograde is over Sept 5, but the problems don’t end due to Mercury staying conjunct Mars until Sept 26. Aquarius Full Moon on Sept 6 energizes what has already been a tumultuous month. Planets are affecting the USA Astrology chart as well. More changes coming in September when Venus, Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu change signs.


August 2017 Eclipse: Effects for Your Sign

The August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse is a signal that Change is Coming. From the house of your natal chart where the eclipse occurs, you can anticipate which sector of your life will be affected. Due to the interaction of the Mars -Retrograde Mercury conjunction with the eclipse degree in September, it is highly likely that mistaken or hasty decisions will play a large part in determining forthcoming consequences.


Mercury Retrograde, August 2017: Effects for Each Sign

Mercury Retrograde begins August 12, 2017. This retrograde Mercury period has some nasty twists in it, especially near the end when Mars joins up with Mercury. Mars is more virulent than usual due to being the dispositor of Uranus and Saturn. Mars will be conjunct Mercury at the end of the Mercury Rx period, and both will be simultaneously conjunct the August 21 eclipse degree. Analysis for each Sign.


Astrology Preview of August 2017

Heads Up for some important astrology patterns in August 2017. Saturn is Stationary this month, making the planet of Restriction especially strong. The nodes, Rahu & Ketu, are also stationary just before they change signs. Mercury will begin a retrograde period on August 12. Mars is debilitated in Cancer all month. Mercury and Mars are important dispositors, and therefore control what several other planets can do.

