Weekly:Video Blog of Astrology and Current Events.Astrology:Analysis of News Stories.Astrology:Predictions.Review of Week, Upcoming, People in the News.Celebrity:Astrology Charts, Predictions for USA
Astrology News Report is a 3-part Weekly Video Blog of Astrology and Current Events. The report is a conversation between two Astrologers, David Anton Savage and Ron Berger, discussing the News of the Week, and relating it all to the planetary patterns in the zodiac. The conversation is illustrated with photos from the week’s news along with the relevant Astrology Charts. Viewers can keep track of how the positions of the planets in the Heavens manifest as events on Earth. Each week on Astrology News Report dot com, we also do an analysis of the upcoming astrology patterns, making predictions for future trends based on planetary movements and transits. The third segment of the weekly show features the astrology charts of famous celebrities, politicians and the infamous, studies of the birth chart of the United States of America, and analysis of Special Events. The website also archives past shows. Ron Berger and David Anton Savage use the ancient system of prediction, Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, the astrology of India. It is over 5,000 years old and unlike Western Astrology, is based on the Sidereal Zodiac: the actual observable positions of the planets amongst the stars. The accuracy of Vedic Astrology has been well proven and its predictive techniques far exceed what is possible in Western Astrology. Knowing how your karma is unfolding will help you to negotiate with destiny and fate and find where the free will is available.

Transformation Time: Update on the USA Vedic Astrology Chart

The USA is now in the Mercury Sub-period of a Rahu Major Period. Both planets reside in the 8th house of the chart, putting special emphasis on 8th house significations. Additionally, the US is in the midst of a Pluto Return, an indicator of Destruction & Rebirth. Finally, this is the year that Ketu, signifier of Change and Chaos, transits in the 10th house of The Leadership.


Preview of Astrology Patterns & Predictions for March 2025

March starts out with Venus going Retrograde, followed by Mercury going Retrograde in the middle of March. The two retrograde planets will travel 'backwards' in sidereal Pisces for the rest of March. On March 14, there will be a total Lunar Eclipse, also in Pisces. And at the end of the month, Saturn changes signs, leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces.


Astrology Analysis of Trump Administration Birth Chart

Traditionally, a chart is drawn up for the Crowning of the New King. In this case, it's the Inauguration of the New President. The resulting chart is analyzed to determine how the new regime will work out. The birth chart of "Trump Admin #2" is characterized by some rather intense combinations, which present a lot of problems.


75 Responses

  1. Linda
    Linda March 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm | | Reply

    Is the sign the moon is in different in Vedic astrology than western astrology?
    I need to find a website that tells what sign the moon is in for Vedic astrology.

  2. Venn
    Venn July 2, 2014 at 4:53 pm | | Reply

    Hi Guys, only “Patterns and Predictions” segment is showing that is current, the other two segments are from last week.
    Are the other segments hidden somewhere or on YouTube or similar?
    All the best,

  3. Stacey
    Stacey June 29, 2014 at 11:41 pm | | Reply

    Really impressed by the presentation. Love how you’ve integrated the graphics and the news and find it very informative yet entertaining at the same time. Considering the actual news, it’s nice to have this perspective to listen to and watch. Will keep up with you now that I’ve found you, great addition to my bookmarks!

  4. Fausto
    Fausto May 21, 2014 at 1:08 am | | Reply

    I’ve never noticed the two subsequent segments, ‘upcoming week’ and ‘people’ till today. Are they new segments? Certainly, they are much appreciated

  5. Sid
    Sid April 15, 2014 at 1:25 pm | | Reply

    Great podcast. Very interested in your perspectives on the effects of the upcoming grand cross on a person who has the same grand cross in the birth chart

  6. Jim
    Jim April 14, 2014 at 12:43 am | | Reply

    Enjoy your commentaries, analyses and the moments of levity, too. Recall you comment here and on your weekly blog that eclipse points are more likely to instigate reactions when a planet conjuncts the point than at the actual time of the eclipse. I think you referred to them as celestial potholes. So, I was wondering for long is a point capable of causing trouble for those planets that may drive over it, until the next same type of eclipse or for even longer; and is its potential strengthened by how near it is to being complete or by the nakshatra where it occurs?

  7. Venn
    Venn December 9, 2013 at 4:17 pm | | Reply

    Hey guys,
    Avid listener from Australia here..
    I was wondering this week if you could do a special segment on Hollywood actor, Paul Walker?
    From all accounts a great and noble person, forced to leave this world pre-maturely, and very much a person “in the news”.
    Much love,

  8. KW
    KW November 1, 2013 at 5:20 pm | | Reply

    I have been listening to your program from its inception years ago. In the past, I have enjoyed your serious analysis of the news. Now, I am distressed and dismayed by your turn toward sensationalism. If I want tabloid news, there are plenty of websites to turn to. But that isn’t what I want. I want to be informed–not offended. Since I choose not to be grossed out, I will no longer be clicking on your site every week. When you decide to turn back to responsible analysis, please let me know.

  9. Gocatman
    Gocatman October 7, 2013 at 12:16 pm | | Reply

    So between July 10 and September 10 Rahu moves 5 degrees which would be fast. Then this slowing starts with one degree of movement from Sep 10 to October 5 for example.

    Of course, the transits of Venus, Mercury, and Mars during these months also have major influences on the USA. But I am struck at how all the spying and NSA revelations dominated the news, but were pushed aside by the similar Rahu-Saturn machinations of the politicians in Congress!

  10. Gocatman
    Gocatman October 7, 2013 at 12:01 pm | | Reply

    Hello Guys,

    Being a Rahu watcher I am amazed at the way SHE starts and stops this cosmic dance with Saturn and the American Public!
    Using my online chart calculator I took a look at Rahu and Sat on Nov 5. Again Rahu will be stationary for a month at 13deg 40 some minutes from October 5.


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