Movies as Free Speech, Quest for Justice, Pope on a Tear

Current Events & Vedic Astrology, Dec 21 -28, 2014: The Sony Pictures hackathon grows into an international incident, North Korea’s internet gets hacked, “The Interview” gets released to theaters. Astrological explanation: Saturn transiting through Scorpio in the USA Astrology Chart’s 12th House. Mars is still Opposite to Jupiter: Protests & Police Funerals fuel discussion on Police Brutality and Justice. Mars represents the Police; Jupiter is Justice, Morals, & Ethics. Uranus + Ketu in Pisces = Disasters on the Ocean: an AirAsia Airliner goes down in Java Sea, a Ferry catches fire off coast of Greece. Pope Francis tears into Vatican administration during Christmas Address. Transiting planets in Pope Francis’s Astrology Chart show why.
