Astrology News Reporter

The Bathroom Wars, Republican Harsh Realities

Vedic Astrology interprets Current Events: May 2016. Saturn is in a T-square formation with Jupiter and Neptune. The DOJ and North Carolina go at it over Transgender Bathrooms. Donald Trump and Paul Ryan have their powwow. Mercury Retrograde indicates going back over the past: The Donald’s Tax Returns and Relations with Women. Mercury is the planet of Names: Budweiser wants to change its beer to “America.”


Venus Combust =No Guidance; Neptune +Jupiter =Misguided Optimism

Planetary patterns for May 2016: New Moon on May 6 in Aries emphasizes Mars energy. New Moon conjunct Retrograde Mercury emphasizes Retrograde pattern. Jupiter is Stationary, and opposed by Neptune = Delusional Optimism. Venus goes Combust: the planet of Guidance disappears for two months.


The Party of Lincoln Becomes the Party of Trump

Current Events interpreted by Vedic Astrology: May 2016. The GOP has a new leader: Donald Trump. The T-Square pattern of Saturn versus Jupiter and Neptune has brought the GOP to its knees. A civil war erupts amongst the Republicans. Bernie still hangs in, but the transits in his Astrology Chart will deny him the nomination. The effects of Uranus, plus the new Rahu Major Period of the USA, indicate major changes in progress. Meanwhile, London elects a Muslim Mayor.


Mars Retrograde Violence & The Irrational Optimism of the Losers

Vedic Astrology interprets Current Events: April-May 2016. Retrograde Mars indicates build up of Pressure resulting in Violence: Syria Cease Fire Ends, Iraq Parliament Trashed. Despite Overwhelming Odds, the losers in the 2016 Presidential Campaign don’t give up: Neptune, planet of Illusions, influences Jupiter, planet of Beliefs. Analysis of Astrology Charts of GOP and Dem Conventions.


Mars Retrograde Begins This Week

Planetary Patterns & Predictions for Apr 10 -17, 2016. Mars begins a Retrograde Period on April 17, lasting 11 weeks until June 30. When Mars is retrograde, it’s a poor time to begin anything important. Mars is accompanied by Retrograde Saturn, which in many ways will make the Mars Retrograde period worse.


Mars Retrograde: Effects for Each Sign

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: Mars is Retrograde from April 17 – June 30. Mars combines with Saturn Retrograde, resulting in a rather problematic energy pattern for everybody. What effects to expect on your life, based on your Vedic Astrology Chart. Mars Retrograde Analysis for each Rising Sign chart.


Strong Mars =Aggression & Conflict

Vedic Astrology interprets Current Events: April 10 -17, 2016. Mars is the planet of Violence. Mars is with Saturn, planet of Structure & Stability. The result: Earthquakes. Powerful Mars, with Saturn, is influencing Presidential Candidates: the Dem Debate was quite contentious. Mars is the military planet: Russian warplanes buzzed a US navy ship. Mars + Saturn can make people, and chimpanzees, “snap.”.


Predictions for 2016 Based on Chaitra New Moon

Planetary patterns for April 3 -10, 2016. New Moon on April 7 begins the Vedic New Year. Special technique in Vedic Astrology uses the April New Moon for predicting for the coming year. Details for USA, Russia, China.


Does Trump Self-destruct After All?

Current Events Interpreted by Vedic Astrology: March 27 -April 3, 2016. Mercury Conjunct Uranus =Surprising News Items. Donald Trump grabs headlines saying Women should be Punished for Abortions. The Mercury-Uranus conjunction was exactly opposite his natal Jupiter. Apple versus US government on Freedom of Privacy. Sea Level Rising faster than expected.


New Pattern in the Zodiac: Venus & Mercury Change Signs

Astrology Analysis: Planets change signs this week: Venus enters Pisces, its sign of Exaltation. Mercury enters Aries, putting the planet of Ideas & Reasons in the sign of Adventure & Creativity. Mercury remains in Aries for over 2 months, due to going Retrograde at the end of April. Also: Mercury Conjunct Uranus this week =Surprising News, Unexpected Announcement.

