Astrology Analysis & Predictions for Israel
Vedic Astrology Chart for Israel. Analysis of Israel’s Birth Chart. Israel is Capricorn Rising. The Third House is Neighbors. Israel will Always have Problems with its Neighbors. The Fourth House is Homeland and is Afflicted. Ketu in 10th house Shows Israel will Always Act Unbounded. More Conflict for Israel in 2014.
Astrology of Nelson Mandela
Review of the Week: December 8, 2013. Nelson Mandela Astrology Chart. Uranus opposite Mars gives Energy to the Rebels. Anti-Government Protests in Thailand and Ukraine. Fast Food Workers Strike. Mars & Mercury Exchange Signs = Investigations & Scandal. CIA operates Secret Torture Prisons in Poland. Saturn & Venus exchange signs =Less Spending for Holiday
The Venus-Saturn Christmas
Weekly Video Blog of Astrology & Current Events: December 1, 2013. Venus opposite Jupiter =Excess: The Holiday Buying Season Begins. Venus is Agreements, Jupiter is Hope: The Iran Deal. Pope Francis Comes Down on Capitalism. Venus sub-period of the USA. The Religious Rights of Corporations
Astrology Analysis of The Iran Deal
Weekly Video Blog of Astrology & Current Events: December 1, 2013. Venus opposite Jupiter =Excess: The Holiday Buying Season Begins. Venus is Agreements, Jupiter is Hope: The Iran Deal. Pope Francis Comes Down on Capitalism. Venus sub-period of the USA. The Religious Rights of Corporations
Get Ready for Mars in Virgo
Planetary Positions & Predictions for November 24 -December 1, 2013. Mercury exactly Conjunct Saturn =Tough Decisions. Mars enters Virgo for 8 months. Mars will go Retrograde on March 1, 2014. Venus is Exactly Opposite Jupiter =Hope for Agreement. Mercury enters Scorpio. Mercury & Mars Exchange Signs.