Astrology of Typhoons; Obama’s Regret
Review of the Week: Nov 17, 2013. Uranus in Pisces manifests as Typhoon in Philippines. Mercury + Rahu forces Obama to change Obamacare. Mercury + Rahu leads to misleading Benghazi story by 60 Minutes. Malala’s book banned in Pakistan Schools. Google wins battle to scan 20 million library books.
Elections, Politicians, & Astrology
Venus Transit in USA Ascendant. McAuliffe elected Governor of Virginia, Chris Christie re-elected in New Jersey, Bill Blasio new Mayor of New York City. Sun Conjunct Saturn: Morsi Trial in Egypt. Mercury Retrograde conjunct Sun & Rahu =Having to Revisit Past Bad decisions: Toronto Mayor Admits Cocaine Use. Rand Paul Admits Plagiarism. Venus Period of USA Activates 6th house of Health: FDA Bans Trans Fats from Food
Mercury+Rahu=Obsessed Thinking
Mercury ends its Retrograde Period. Mercury Conjunct Rahu this week =Obsessive Thought, Toxic Ideas, Weird Explanations. Sun Enters Scorpio. Mars & Sun in Parivatana Yoga creates Strong Relationship between Mars and Sun. Venus in the USA Ascendant and opposite USA natal Venus and natal Jupiter.
Effects of Total Solar Eclipse (Planets Positions & Predictions)
Mercury Retrograde Conjunct Saturn =More Delays, Taking Responsibility for Past Decisions, Venus Enters Sagittarius forming Relationship with Jupiter =Potential for Excess, Mars Aspects Uranus =Sudden Violence like Mt Etna Eruption, New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse on November 3 =Portentous for Unpleasant Events