Astrology News Reporter

Astrology Analysis of Republicans’ Defeat and Realization

Vedic Astrology and US Politics: March 2017. The Republicans took a big hit last week; here’s an astrology analysis of what happened. The Trump-Russia connection continues to grow legs, especially after FBI chief admitted publicly that an investigation is in progress. Ivanka Trump gets here own office in the white house; here’s her astrology chart.


Venus Retrograde is Not Good for Budgets, Compromise, or Getting Advice

The results of the Venus Retrograde period have been obvious from last week’s news. Trump’s budget is DOA. The Republican Health Care Plan is DOA. There’s not much hope of getting anything done until Venus returns to normal motion in the zodiac in April. The Wiretap scandal turns out to be sourced from Trump watching FOX news. Trump’s own chart indicates he suffers from Delusional Beliefs and Paranoia.


Trump Paranoia, Scandal, and The New Normal

Another week of Chaos for Donald Trump. The Jeff Sessions perjury scandal shows again the weakness of the Astrology birth chart of the Trump Administration. Analysis of President Trump’s natal Astrology chart indicates that his own Advisers are his Enemies, and will bring him down in the end.


Searching for Truth: Facts Vs Ideology for Two Weeks

Planetary Patterns & Analysis, March 2017. Mercury is opposite Retrograde Jupiter, while the planets are in each other’s signs. Mercury is in Pisces, its debilitation sign. Jupiter’s Beliefs influence Mercury’s Facts. Mercury combines with Retrograde Venus, creating Doubt about Value. Uranus planet of Realization, is opposite Jupiter planet of Truth. Meanwhile, Mars in Aries is Impatient for Results.


Changes in the Zodiac: Mars Enters Aries, Venus Goes Retrograde

Mars transits in Aries: March 1 -April 12. Analysis for each rising sign chart for effects of Mars energy during next several weeks. Mars is powerful in its own sign, therefore best to be aware of what part of your life it affects and plan accordingly.


Changes in the Zodiac: Mars Enters Aries, Venus Goes Retrograde

New Planetary Patterns in the zodiac for March 2017. Mars enters Aries on March 1. The planet of Action and Results is strong in its own sign Aries, the sign of Initiative and Discovery. Venus begins a retrograde period on March 4. The planet of Romance and Agreement “going backwards” is good for Reconsidering Love, Reviewing Agreements, Reassessing Purchases. Retrograde Venus in mutual aspect with retrograde Jupiter puts emphasis on finding Truth by analyzing the Details. Mercury is conjunct Neptune, putting together the planet of Rational Decisions and the planet of Fantasy and Deception.


Mars-Uranus-Jupiter Pattern Exact = Extreme Energy

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: February 19 -26, 2017. Mars exactly conjunct Uranus while directly opposite Jupiter creates a pattern for powerful events. There’s a potential for Sudden Violence. Truth & Integrity are challenged; Rebels are Encouraged. New Moon & Solar Eclipse on February 26. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury & Neptune.


The Trump Dilemma: Secrecy, Betrayal, Revenge

Planetary Patterns are affecting President Trump and his Administration in a negative way during February 2017. Mr. Trump tried to regain control of the narrative by giving an extended solo news conference. As shown by the planets’ positions affecting his natal chart, this was not the best course of action at this time. Jupiter retrograde in Virgo indicates that more details on the Russian connection are likely. The birth chart of the administration shows that Trump & Co. is plagued by inherent weakness and a predilection towards secrecy, which leads to scandal & humiliation.


Jupiter planet of Truth & Ethics, Under Attack by Mars

Planetary Patterns & World Events for February 2017. Mars the planet of Aggression and Controversy teams up with Uranus, planet of the Unconventional and Unexpected, and both oppose Jupiter, planet of Law and Ethics. This made for some surprising events in the Law and Ethics department last week. The Trump Administration ran afoul of the Federal Courts due to the president’s Immigration Order. Simultaneously, Ethical Questions have been raised by the president’s involvement with first daughter Ivanka’s business dealings with apparel retailers who dropped her fashion products.


Jupiter Begins Difficult Retrograde Period

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: February 2017. Jupiter begins a retrograde period on Feb 6. Uranus and Mars oppose Jupiter, putting pressure on the significations of Jupiter. Uranus conjunct Mars will be exact at the end of February while in exact opposition to retrograde Jupiter. Full Moon in Cancer on Feb 10 will be a partial Lunar Eclipse.

