Near Term Predictions for USA
Predictions for the USA for the next several months. USA is in Mars Major Period 2008 -2015. Mars is weak in the USA chart, indicating a weak & unfruitful 7 years. Sun Sub-period begins Nov 2014 -Apr 2015. Sun activates 9th house of Beliefs, Ideology, Supreme Court. 7th house position emphasizes foreign relations. Saturn transits USA 12th house starting November. Ketu & Uranus already transiting USA 4th house.
Astrology Predictions for Obama’s Last Two Years
Barack Obama’s Vedic Astrology Birth Chart. Analysis of main features of natal chart. A look at predictions for his last two years in office. He is in his Saturn Major Period. Jupiter transits in his 7th house. Mars goes into his 10th house on July 13th. Saturn enters his 11th house in November.
Preview of July: New Planetary Patterns Coming
Upcoming Planetary Changes in July, 2014: Mercury ends Retrograde Period. Mars finally leaves Virgo and enters Libra on July 13. Mars conjunct Rahu on July 13, while changing signs. Rahu & Ketu changes signs: Rahu enters Virgo, Ketu enters Pisces. Effects of new positions of Rahu & Ketu for USA chart.
Venus Transits Taurus: Analysis for Each Sign
RPlanetary Patterns & Predictions for June 22 -29. Venus in Taurus until July 13. Effects of Venus for each Rising Sign Chart. Mars exact opposition to Uranus on July 25. Potential for Violence, Surprise Events, etc., intensifies. New Moon on Friday, June 27. Begins the lunar month of Ashada. New Moon conjunct Retrograde Mercury spoils the energy of the month for important endeavors.
Send in The Drones
Review of Astrology & Current Events: June 15 -22, 2014. Mars Opposite Uranus fuels Rebellions around the World. Iraq turned upside down; will the USA intervene? Ukraine takes a New Turn; Islamist rebels in Africa. Mars is Sports; Uranus is The Unexpected. The World Cup has some surprising winners & losers. Mercury Retrograde = Reworking the Facts. From Dick Cheney to GM to new revelations about flight MH370
Hero or Deserter? Astrology of Bowe Bergdahl
Bowe Bergdahl is Pisces Rising, the sign of Sensitivity & Compassion. But he has Sun conjunct the ascendant, therefore Willful, Independent, and individualistic. The 12th house is heavily emphasized in his chart, indicating both Humanitarian Acts, and Confinement. Sergeant Bergdahl had just entered his Saturn Major Period when he got captured by the Taliban. The Future for Bergdahl looks like he will suffer humiliation and imprisonment.
Astrology Analysis of a Mass Murderer: Elliot Rodger
Elliot Rodger’s Astrology Chart is a good example of psychosis indicated by evil planetary combinations. The 12th house is the house of the subconscious and is emphasized. Mars conjunct Venus gives passion. Mercury with Mars gives Destructive Thinking. The results of the 5th House of Romance are Delayed by a Retrograde Saturn. The Moon is the emotional mind, and suffers from conjunction with disturbing planets. On the day of the murders, Elliot Rodger was being hit by Mars opposite Uranus, activated by the transiting Moon.
The New Government of India
The Birth Chart for the Administration of Narendra Modi. The Time of the Swearing In is used to create a chart to predict the success or failure of the new government. This chart is Libra Rising, with Saturn on the Ascendant. Venus is in the 7th house conjunct Ketu and the Moon. Mars in the 12th house suggest a Hidden Problem.