Review of the Week

Destabilizing Violence: Mars Conjunct Rahu

Astrology & Current Events: Week of July 6 -13: Mars still in Mutual Aspect with Uranus = New Violence: Israel & Gaza. Rahu = Foreigners + Mars = Action: New Crisis in USA immigration. Mercury in Gemini = Too Much Information: USA / Germany Spy Scandal. Mercury is the planet of Elections, in Gemini sign of multiple viewpoints = election problems in Afghanistan & Indonesia.

Mercury Retrograde Ends with a Bang

Astrology & Current Events: June 29 -July 6, 2014. Mercury Stationary = Critical Decisions. Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision causes great controversy. Mercury = Social Media: Facebook social experiment causes controversy. GM recalls even more cars. Mars opposite Uranus = more Rebellion: ISIS erases border between Syria & Iraq. Hong Kong Protests. Palestine & Israel conflict heats up. USA: Congress Obstructs, Obama Acts.

Birth of a Nation? ISIL Overruns Iraq

Analysis of Current Events & Vedic Astrology: June 22 -29, 2014
Mars opposite Uranus creates more energy for rebellion: ISIL (ISIS) captures more territory in Iraq. Mars opposite Uranus is not good for USA: Flooding in Central States. Mars is Sports; Uranus is Drama: more excitement for World Cup Games. Mercury still Retrograde. The Supremes make major rulings on Privacy Rights for Cell Phones, Anti Abortion Protests, Free Speech Rights.

Game Changers

Astrology Analysis of Current Events, Review of the Week: June 8 -15, 2014.
Major Events due to Mars Square Pluto & Mars Opposite Uranus. Sunni Insurgents capture a huge swath of Northern Iraq, including Mosul. In the USA, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses his primary election to a college professor, David Brat. Mars opposite Uranus = Surprising Violence. Karachi Airport attacked by Al Qaeda. A White Supremacist couple shoot two Las Vegas Cops Dead. Mercury Retrograde = mistakes: 5 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan due to Friendly Fire.

Mars Unleashed: Obama’s Unilateral Actions

Astrology & Current Events: Review of Past Week: June 1 -8, 2014.
Mars is now in Direct Motion in Virgo, the 10th house of the USA chart. The planet of Action in the House of the Leader. Obama Foreign Policy, Obama releases Taliban prisoners, Obama promises aid to Poroshenko. Mars opposite Uranus continues to stimulate Rebellion & Protests around the world: Ukraine, Thailand, Spain, Yemen, India. Jupiter & Mercury together in Gemini =Facts contaminated by Beliefs: The Bowe Bergdahl affair is one example.

Elections & Values: Venus conjunct Ketu

Astrology & Current Events: May 25 -June 1, 2014: Venus conjunct Ketu is Values plus Idealism & the Past. A number of elections took place last week: European Union election, Election in Ukraine, Election in Egypt. Venus is Young Females; Ketu is Chaos and Dissolution: A young man goes on a killing spree in Isla Vista California. Also: two young women are raped and murdered in India. Both incidents spark major outrage. Mercury with Jupiter in Gemini is News plus Judgment: Edward Snowden gives an interview with Brian Williams. Mercury is Information; Jupiter is Judges. European Court rules Google must comply with people wanting to take down links to personal data.

A Hellish Week on Planet Earth

Astrology Analysis of Current Events: May 18- 25, 2014. Mars is still opposite Uranus. Mars was Stationary last week = extra strength. Mali Separatists, Libya Militias, a Coup in Thailand, Boko Haram in Nigeria, MacDonald’s Protests, etc. The Ukraine Election. Jupiter Trine to Saturn helped the Established Order: Republicans defeat Tea Party candidates; Russia signs Gas Deal with China. Jupiter + Mercury = Big Ideas: Italy will include Prostitution and Illegal Drug Sales in its GDP calculations. .

Early Days of the Apocalypse

Astrology Analysis of Current Events, May 11 -18, 2014: Mars Opposite Uranus = Accidents & Disasters: Coal Mine Disaster in Turkey, Wildfires in Southern California, Flooding in Bosnia. Mars Retrograde is problematic for Elections: India elects Narendra Modi for new Prime Minister. Mars opposite Uranus + Venus = Protests and Rebellion over Value: Fast Food Workers strike in the USA, Ukraine Separatists vote, Vietnam protests against China. Mars opposite Venus = Attack on Young Woman: a Sudanese woman is sentenced to death for being a Christian. Venus = Entertainers: Jay Z attacked by sister-in-law.

Mars Attacks Venus: Girls Abducted in Nigeria

Astrology & Current Events for May 4 -11, 2014. Mars opposite Venus = attack on young women. World Leaders get involved in Nigeria School Girls Abduction. Mars opposite Uranus = Accidents: Circus Act collapses. Mars opposite Uranus energizes the Rebels: Boko Haram still on the attack in Nigeria; Syrian Rebels blow up famous hotel. Mars Opposite Venus = problems in the Financial Sector: Russian Oligarchs send money outside of the country. Saturn opposite Sun =Problems for Leaders: Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra ousted from power. Mars opposite Venus bad for Luxury: Protest against Beverly Hills Hotel.

Mars Retrograde Clips Donald Sterling

Astrology Analysis of World Events: April 27 -May 4, 2014. Mars Retrograde exchanging signs with Mercury claims another victim: Donald Sterling, owner of Los Angeles Clippers. Mars Retrograde opposite Uranus continues to bring Violent Events, Accidents, etc. Ukraine violence, Major Tornadoes and Flooding in the USA. Landslide in Afghanistan. Jupiter opposite Pluto brings heavy judgment against Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Venus opposite Mars results in Conflict over values and money: minimum wage loses in US Senate, but wins in Seattle.
