Tension Builds: Russia Ups the Ante
Astrology & World Events -Review of the Week -April 27, 2014. Mars opposite Uranus creates a Build Up of Pressure ready to Blow: More activity in Eastern Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s Astrology chart shows he is under a lot of Pressure. Mars opposite Uranus = Violence: South Sudan Massacre. Mars opposite Uranus = Blow Back: Sherpas cancel Everest climbing season. Jupiter opposite Pluto =Decisions affected the Masses: the Supremes rule on Michigan Voters’ decision to take Affirmative Action out of the University admissions process. Mars Retrograde is bad for making new laws: Georgia passes “Guns Everywhere” legislation. Mercury parivatana yoga with Mars =Communications Backfire: NYPD twitter post backfires.
Astrology of Disaster: Korean Ferry Sinks
Astrology & World Events: April 20, 2014. Mars opposite Uranus creates Accidents and Violence. A Korean Ferry sinks off the coast of S. Korea. Bomb Blast in Nigeria, Stabbing in Calgary, Ranchers confront Feds in Nevada. Mars Retrograde means the pressure builds: the Ukraine situation continues. Pluto opposite Jupiter means Judicial decisions affecting the masses: India Supreme court gives equal rights to transgender sex.
Mars plus Uranus = Accidents: FedEx Truck vs. Bus
Astrology & Currents Events, April 6 -13, 2014. Mars opposite Uranus creates sudden violence. Mass stabbings at Pennsylvania high school, Florida day care crash, California bus crash. Mars retrograde creates Pressure Buildup: the situation in Ukraine ratchets up. Venus plus Neptune in Aquarius is Idealism for social causes: Obama signs executive orders to encourage equal pay for women. Mars opposite Mercury is an attack on information: the Heartbleed software bug: secure internet transactions are not so secure.
Ft Hood Massacre; Chile Earthquake: Astrology of Mars and Uranus
Astrology analysis of World Events: March 30 -April 6, 2014. Mars + Uranus =Unexpected Violence: Another mass shooting at Ft. Hood, earthquakes in Los Angeles, Oklahoma, Chile. Demonstrations in Albuquerque. Venus influenced by Saturn =Sobering Advice: U.N. Climate Change conference predicts dire consequences for the world. Jupiter opposite Pluto =Judgments: Supreme Court kills Democracy with new ruling on Campaign Finance.
Mars Retrograde: Landslide in Oso, Washington
Astrology Analysis of Current Events, March 23 -30, 2014. Mars Retrograde +Rahu =Accidents: A huge mudslide buries homes in Washington State. Saturn and Venus influence each other =Harsh Realities over Finances in the Russia-Crimea situation. Mercury + Neptune in Aquarius =Delusional Reasoning in the sign of Social Idealism: The Supremes hear a case granting religious rights to corporations. Neptune + Mercury =Delusion +Calculations: Nate Silver predicts Dems lose the Senate.
Mars Retrograde = Russia’s Boomerang?
Astrology & World Events, March 16 -23, 2014. The situation in Crimea and Ukraine continues to cause reverberations. Mars Retrograde boomerangs back on Russia: US & EU place Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs. Putin causes concern for World Leaders. Neptune with Mercury creates still more confusion over flight MH370. Mercury + Neptune is bad for decisions and making choices: Everything from Voting to Brackets gets affected.
Mars +Rahu =Unusual Violence
Astrology & World Events: March 9 -16, 2014: Mars Retrograde + Rahu continues to give “Pressure-Cooker” events. Mercury + Neptune adds an element of Confusion & Disinformation. The Ukraine-Crimea situation escalates, the Malaysian Flight 370 Disappearance. Senate intelligence Committee vs. CIA. Protests in Turkey. Mars +Rahu =Accidents: Big Fire in San Francisco, and an Explosion in New York City.
Mars Retrograde =Pressure Cooker Events
Review of World Events, March 2 -9, 2014: Mars Retrograde increases Tension for situation in Ukraine. Venus in Capricorn =Financial Realities: Russian stock market and Russia’s currency head downward. Mars is Action, Rahu signifies Terrorism: Chinese Muslims massacre Chinese in Train Station Attack. Mars Retrograde in USA chart’s 11th house =confrontation in Congress between Daryl Issa and Elijah Cummings. Venus in Capricorn =Financial Reality: Radio Shack and Staples close retail stores..
Farewell to Mercury Retrograde
Astrology & Current Events for February 23 -March 2, 2014. Mars + Rahu =Extreme events: Ukraine situation devolves into Russian invasion. Mercury retrograde is Bad for Business: Bitcoin in trouble when major exchange disintegrates. Mercury Retrograde is good for getting back in touch: Obama gives Karzai a reminder. Mercury Retrograde and Venus in Capricorn means coming to terms with Reality: Janet Brewer vetoes Arizona Discrimination Law.
Ukraine, Venezuela, Thailand: Reset, or Revolution?
February 23: Review of Week’s News. Mars + Rahu in Libra =Social Idealism. Revolt in Ukraine, Venezuela, and Thailand reach new levels of violence. Mercury enters Capricorn =Realism and Practical Thinking. Truce in Ukraine. Mars +Rahu =Devouring: Facebook swallows WhatsApp for $19 Billion. Rahu is Snakes & Poison, Mars is Wounds, Mercury +Neptune is Delusion Thinking: Preacher dies after being bitten by venomous snake.