Review of the Week

The Party of Lincoln Becomes the Party of Trump

Current Events interpreted by Vedic Astrology: May 2016. The GOP has a new leader: Donald Trump. The T-Square pattern of Saturn versus Jupiter and Neptune has brought the GOP to its knees. A civil war erupts amongst the Republicans. Bernie still hangs in, but the transits in his Astrology Chart will deny him the nomination. The effects of Uranus, plus the new Rahu Major Period of the USA, indicate major changes in progress. Meanwhile, London elects a Muslim Mayor.


Mars Retrograde Violence & The Irrational Optimism of the Losers

Vedic Astrology interprets Current Events: April-May 2016. Retrograde Mars indicates build up of Pressure resulting in Violence: Syria Cease Fire Ends, Iraq Parliament Trashed. Despite Overwhelming Odds, the losers in the 2016 Presidential Campaign don’t give up: Neptune, planet of Illusions, influences Jupiter, planet of Beliefs. Analysis of Astrology Charts of GOP and Dem Conventions.


Strong Mars =Aggression & Conflict

Vedic Astrology interprets Current Events: April 10 -17, 2016. Mars is the planet of Violence. Mars is with Saturn, planet of Structure & Stability. The result: Earthquakes. Powerful Mars, with Saturn, is influencing Presidential Candidates: the Dem Debate was quite contentious. Mars is the military planet: Russian warplanes buzzed a US navy ship. Mars + Saturn can make people, and chimpanzees, “snap.”.


Does Trump Self-destruct After All?

Current Events Interpreted by Vedic Astrology: March 27 -April 3, 2016. Mercury Conjunct Uranus =Surprising News Items. Donald Trump grabs headlines saying Women should be Punished for Abortions. The Mercury-Uranus conjunction was exactly opposite his natal Jupiter. Apple versus US government on Freedom of Privacy. Sea Level Rising faster than expected.


Major Events Due to this Week’s Planetary Patterns

Current Events analyzed by Vedic Astrology: March 20 -27, 2016. Brussels Terrorist Attack occurred exactly when the Moon was opposite the March Solar Eclipse degree. Reactions in the US illustrate the Mars-Saturn transit in the USA Astrology Chart. Obama begins Cuba visit when Venus and Neptune were exactly conjunct. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump descend further into the gutter. Ted Cruz’s Astrology Chart indicates he may in fact be Guilty of Infidelity. The North Carolina anti-LGBT law perfectly illustrates the Saturn-Venus-Jupiter T-Square.


Fear & Loathing on the Campaign Trail

Current Events & Vedic Astrology: March 2016. Voters favoring Clinton & Trump: review of planetary positions affecting primaries. Violence now part of Trump campaign. Republican leaders try to stop Trump… will they succeed? Astrology prediction for GOP convention. Will Obama prevail with his new Supreme Court Justice?


Trump Hijacks the Republican Party

Vedic Astrology analysis of Current Events: March 2016. Has Donald Trump hijacked the Republican Party? GOP in chaos as apparent front-runner runs his own show. Donald Trump Vedic Astrology chart transits and USA Astrology Chart transits show some interesting details.


Astrological Update for Presumed Front-runners: Clinton vs. Trump

Vedic Astrology Analysis of current front-runners of USA Presidential Race: Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton. Trump’s astrology chart and effects of current transits; Clinton’s astrology chart and effects of current transits. Also: appears that Marco Rubio is Scorpio Rising. Did Mars arrive in his Ascendant in time to save him?


Jupiter Retrograde: A Question of Judges and Judgement

Current Events Interpreted by Vedic Astrology: Feb 7 -14, 2016. Jupiter is Judgment and Judges; Rahu Obscures & Confuses: the death of Antonin Scalia throws the Supreme Court into Chaos. Jupiter Retrograde + Rahu continues to strain the Truth and put Beliefs to the Test: another week of Presidential Debates. Mars + Saturn transiting in USA 12th house = Attack by ISIS.


Mars, planet of Argument, Influences Presidential Candidates

Vedic Astrology analysis of Current Events, February 2016. Analysis of Iowa Caucus: the pundits got it wrong: Mercury planet of The Media was under heavy influence. Mars has a strong influence on Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and the GOP Debate.
Chart of the New Hampshire primary also features Mars. Venus in stress pattern is not good for Negotiations: Syria Peace talks fail again. Obama under Jupiter-Rahu influence: the president visits a Mosque.

