Retrograde Venus in Leo is Bad for Lions
Current Events & Vedic Astrology: July 25 -Aug 1, 2015. Venus when Retrograde can be Selfish, especially in an Egocentric Fire sign. Cecil the Lion was murdered by a self-absorbed American dentist. Venus conjunct Jupiter helps Diplomacy: the USA & Turkey join forces against ISIS. Jupiter + Venus is good for Diplomacy: President Obama visits Africa. Venus is Pleasure; Jupiter is Law: China lifts the bad on Video Gaming consoles.
Iran Nuclear Deal; The Donald and The Media
Current Events & Vedic Astrology: July 13 -25, 2015. Jupiter joins Venus in Leo = planet of Conciliation +planet of Agreement in the sign of Governments. The Iran Deal, Cuban embassy opens in Washington. Jupiter and Venus help The Donald by transiting in his Ascendant, giving him more Confidence and Media Attention. New pictures of Pluto show that it will be reclassified as a planet. Pluto in Astrology has the qualities of Shiva.
Greece Showdown; Pope on a Tear
World Events interpreted by Vedic Astrology: July 5 -12, 2015
World Prosperity under threat due to Venus & Jupiter changing signs: the Greek -Euro Crisis continues; Chinese Stock Market crashes. Mars conjunct Mercury = Theft of Data: Office of Personnel Management gets Hacked. Pope Francis in South America: Mars and Mercury are transiting in Gemini =Ascendant of Pope Francis Astrology Chart.
Astrology of Greece Referendum; Donald Trump’s Chances
Astrology & Current Events: June 28 – July 5, 2015. Venus conjunct Jupiter is planet of Finance & Value plus planet of Banks & Bonds: Greece Votes on whether to stay with the EU. Jupiter trine to Uranus encourages Rebellion, favors Greek Exit, and Bernie Sanders. Supremes vote Yes on Execution Drug. Chris Christie joins the pack of Republican Contenders. Donald Trump upsets everyone: an analysis of Donald Trump’s Astrology Chart.
Jupiter Conjunct Venus = Judges & Marriage
Planetary Patterns & World Events: June 21 -28, 2015. Jupiter plus Venus = Laws + Guidance. The Supremes hand down major decisions. Obamacare is Upheld. Venus is the significator of Wife; Jupiter is the planet of Expansion: the Definition of Wife gets expanded by new Marriage Equality ruling. Mars in Gemini = Controversy. Mars is conjunct the Sun, planet of Government and Patriotism: the Confederate Flag controversy.
Venus + Jupiter =Forgiveness
Vedic Astrology interprets World Events: June 14 -21, 2015. Mars in Gemini gives Controversy: Pope Francis issues encyclical on Climate Change. Astrology analysis of Jeb Bush presidential campaign. Jupiter trine Uranus encourages the Rebels: Bernie Sanders doing better than expected. Saturn transit in the USA Chart 12th house: Assassinations. Mass murder in Charleston Church.
Retrograde Mercury = Hacked Information
Astrology analysis of Current Events: May 31 – June 7, 2015
Mercury Retrograde plus Mars = Mistakes, Accidents, Cyber attacks: Cruise Ship accident in China, Federal Employees Data hacked, Misinformation from EPA. Venus plus Jupiter =Excessive Events involving Appearances, Young Females, Love, and The Law: Caitlyn Jenner, Samantha Elauf, and Female Viagra.
World Events & Retrograde Mercury
Astrology of Current Events: May 24 -31, 2015: Mercury Retrograde brings Mistakes in the Media, a Computer Bug for I-phones, and Live Anthrax shipments. Jupiter’s trine aspect on Uranus helps the rebels, like ISIS, and Rand Paul. Ketu & Uranus in Pisces brings more water disasters: Historic Floods in Texas and Oklahoma. Ketu is Refugees, Uranus is Freedom, in Pisces: Boatloads of refugees flee North Africa, Syria, and Myanmar.
Saturn in Scorpio =Severe Punishment: Tsarnaev, Morsi Sentenced to Death
Current Events & Vedic Astrology: Saturn is in Scorpio, a signification of Severe Punishment. Last week Dzokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to Death, as was Mohamed Morsi. The defense Minister of North Korea was Executed. Johnny Depp’s dogs were threatening with execution too! Mars with Mercury indicates Accidents involving Transportation: an Amtrak train crashed in Philadelphia. Mars + Mercury does harm to Facts & data: a new version of Osama Bin Laden’s death questions the official version.
New Governments with Stress Factors Baked In; Hillary on Immigration
Astrology & current Events May 3 -10, 2015. Mars Opposite Saturn is a stressful pattern that predicts difficulty for new government of Israel, and Britain. Mars with Mercury indicates Being Outspoken. Hillary Clinton comes takes a stand on Immigration Reform, Mike Huckabee blasts Wall Street and Washington. Uranus transit in USA chart indicates Rebellion in the Homeland. Texas prepares to resist US Military Exercise dubbed Jade Helm 15.