Upcoming Planetary Positions and Predictions

Changes in the Zodiac: Mars Enters Aries, Venus Goes Retrograde

Mars transits in Aries: March 1 -April 12. Analysis for each rising sign chart for effects of Mars energy during next several weeks. Mars is powerful in its own sign, therefore best to be aware of what part of your life it affects and plan accordingly.


Changes in the Zodiac: Mars Enters Aries, Venus Goes Retrograde

New Planetary Patterns in the zodiac for March 2017. Mars enters Aries on March 1. The planet of Action and Results is strong in its own sign Aries, the sign of Initiative and Discovery. Venus begins a retrograde period on March 4. The planet of Romance and Agreement “going backwards” is good for Reconsidering Love, Reviewing Agreements, Reassessing Purchases. Retrograde Venus in mutual aspect with retrograde Jupiter puts emphasis on finding Truth by analyzing the Details. Mercury is conjunct Neptune, putting together the planet of Rational Decisions and the planet of Fantasy and Deception.


Mars-Uranus-Jupiter Pattern Exact = Extreme Energy

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: February 19 -26, 2017. Mars exactly conjunct Uranus while directly opposite Jupiter creates a pattern for powerful events. There’s a potential for Sudden Violence. Truth & Integrity are challenged; Rebels are Encouraged. New Moon & Solar Eclipse on February 26. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury & Neptune.


Jupiter Begins Difficult Retrograde Period

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: February 2017. Jupiter begins a retrograde period on Feb 6. Uranus and Mars oppose Jupiter, putting pressure on the significations of Jupiter. Uranus conjunct Mars will be exact at the end of February while in exact opposition to retrograde Jupiter. Full Moon in Cancer on Feb 10 will be a partial Lunar Eclipse.


Saturn Transits in Sagittarius for Three Years: Effects on Your Astrology Chart

Saturn is now in sidereal Sagittarius. Saturn is an important force in our lives and produces noticeable results via its transit in your astrology chart. Therefore it is good to be aware of how it will affect you: analysis for each Rising Sign.


Big Energy Pattern Changes: Saturn Enters Sagittarius, Venus Enters Pisces, Chinese New Year

Big Change in the zodiac at the end of January: Saturn changes signs, entering sidereal Sagittarius. Saturn combines with Sagittarius significations, indicating Willful Attachment to Personal Beliefs. Venus changes signs, entering Pisces. Due to a retrograde period, Venus remains in Pisces for 4 months. The New Moon is on January 27, in Capricorn. This New Moon is the beginning of the Chinese Lunar Year: the Year of the Fire Rooster.


New Pattern in Zodiac: Mars moves to Pisces

Planetary Patterns for January 2017. Mars entering sidereal Pisces starts an important new pattern in the zodiac with major implications for Events. Mars will be in exact square aspect with Saturn before it changes signs. In Pisces Mars will be joining up with Uranus. Both planets will simultaneously be opposing Jupiter. The energy becomes more and more intense, culminating at the end of February.


Powerful Planetary Combinations for the End of 2016

Planets’ Positions & Predictions for the end of 2016: Mars conjunct Ketu and Neptune, putting together Violence and Confusion, plus Retrograde Mercury = Accidents. Venus enters Aquarius, and combines with Mars -Ketu -Neptune, =Passion for Social Causes. Jupiter and Uranus are exactly opposite each other, encourages Revolution. Dec 29 New Moon is in Sagittarius, conjunct Retrograde Mercury, intensifies the retrograde effects for the New Year.


Mars transiting in Aquarius: Predictions for Each Sign, & USA

Mars transits through Aquarius from Dec 11 – Jan 19. Mars combines with Ketu and Neptune, forming an unusual energy pattern foretelling problematic events. Analysis for potential effects for each Rising Sign Chart, and analysis for USA chart.


Mars in Aquarius: Danger Ahead for December-January

Mars enters Aquarius on Dec 11, 2016. The planet of Action transits in the sign of Social Reform. Mars joins up with Ketu and Neptune, forming a potent combination with some rather malefic associations, including the potential for chaotic violence.

