Upcoming Planetary Positions and Predictions

Predictions for 2016 Based on Chaitra New Moon

Planetary patterns for April 3 -10, 2016. New Moon on April 7 begins the Vedic New Year. Special technique in Vedic Astrology uses the April New Moon for predicting for the coming year. Details for USA, Russia, China.


New Pattern in the Zodiac: Venus & Mercury Change Signs

Astrology Analysis: Planets change signs this week: Venus enters Pisces, its sign of Exaltation. Mercury enters Aries, putting the planet of Ideas & Reasons in the sign of Adventure & Creativity. Mercury remains in Aries for over 2 months, due to going Retrograde at the end of April. Also: Mercury Conjunct Uranus this week =Surprising News, Unexpected Announcement.


A Lunar Eclipse and a Saturn T-Square

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: March 20 -27, 2016. Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse on March 22. Eclipses signify forthcoming Changes. Mercury is involved with this eclipse. Venus opposite Jupiter, and both exactly squared by Saturn sets up a “T-Square” formation. Saturn begins its Retrograde Period, lasting until mid-August.


Venus & Jupiter in Trouble: Harmony & Truth Under Stress

Planets, Patterns, & Predictions for March 13 -20, 2016. Venus in trouble this week due to square aspect from Mars and conjunction with Neptune. Mercury enters Pisces on March 18. Saturn’s square aspect to Jupiter becomes more intense. Mercury is exactly opposite Jupiter on March 15, when more states vote in primaries. March 19 is the Spring Equinox.


Trouble Ahead: Effects of March 8 Solar Eclipse

Planetary Patterns & Predictions for March 6 -13, 2016. Total Solar Eclipse on March 8. Eclipses signal forthcoming changes & major events. This eclipse is exactly opposite Retrograde Jupiter. Also this week: Venus enters Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Neptune.


Mercury Enters Aquarius and Comes Under Attack

Astrology Patterns and Predictions: Feb 28 – Mar 6, 2016. Mercury enters Aquarius, which is Good. But: Mars squares Mercury, which is Bad. Mercury is the planet of Voting. Therefore, an impact on the Primaries during the coming weeks. Also: Analysis of Mars aspects while Mars is the dispositor of Saturn in Scorpio.


Transit of Mars + Saturn: Effects for Each Sign

Mars & Saturn are now in Scorpio until mid-September. This important astrological pattern affects everyone: Analysis of potential outcomes for each sign.


Mars +Saturn in Scorpio Becomes Defining Energy Pattern for 2016

Planets, Patterns, & Predictions: February 2016. Mars enters Scorpio, forming an important pattern that persists for most of 2016. Mars + Saturn = Determined, Purposeful Action, but is also two malefic planets combining for many months. Jupiter is still Retrograde and conjunct Rahu.


Capricorn New Moon and The Chinese New Year

Planetary Patterns & Predictions: February 7 -14, 2016. New Moon on February 8 is the month of Makkha, and the Chinese New Year. This is the year of the “Fire Monkey.” Monkey is Smart, Inventive, and Unscrupulous. Mercury enters Capricorn, indicating more Realism and Sober thinking. Venus enters Capricorn, indicating Responsibility in Love.


Venus Replaces Mercury in Stress Pattern with Pluto & Uranus

Planetary Patterns & Predictions for Jan 31 -Feb 7, 2016. Mercury advances in Sagittarius and pulls out of stress pattern with Pluto and Uranus. Venus advances into position to replace Mercury. Venus significations trashed, especially at the end of the week. Jupiter still retrograde and tightly conjunct Rahu, all through February.

