Astrology News Reporter

The (mis)Adventures of Donald Trump

World Events & Vedic Astrology: May 2017. Making decisions when Mercury is conjunct Uranus leads to Unintended Consequences. Trump firing FBI chief Comey has resulted in a sequence of unintended events unfavorable to Mr. Trump. Mars is transiting where it now affects multiple natal planets while the President is out of the country. Next Saturn the “Reality Check planet” will move into position to give Mr. Trump much to contend with.


Bad Smell Getting Worse; Where’s the Truth?

Events of early May prove the interpretation of Mercury + Uranus =Unexpected News: Trump Fired James Comey, head of the FBI. Analysis of Donald Trump’s astrology chart shows where this could go next. Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo = Finding Truth by Analyzing the Past. The Senate Committees investigating Mike Flynn and Russia-Gate will be turning up more information during the coming weeks. Mercury is Data; Uranus is Rebels and Disruption: a Huge computer hack has shut down organizations worldwide. Mercury starts to separate from Uranus next week.


Planetary Patterns for New Ideas, and Too Much Fun

Planetary Patterns and Predictions for mid-May 2017: Mercury conjunct Uranus is great for Inspired Thinking, but also indicates New Shocking News. Venus opposite Retrograde Jupiter signifies Optimistic Romance and is good for Wise Advice, but also indicates potential for Excess Indulgence. Retrograde Jupiter indicates Finding Truth in The Past. The Full Moon is in Libra on May 10, and not afflicted by other planets.


Understanding Trump: Analysis of Trump’s Vedic Astrology Chart

Analysis of Donald Trump’s Vedic Astrology Chart, with Predictions for 2017. Trump’s Astrology chart is unusual in many ways. He is Leo Rising with Mars planet of Combat, conjunct the Ascendant. Trump’s Scorpio Full Moon is what gives him volatile emotions. His Sun is very strong in his 10th house. Mercury in Gemini is what makes him a news junkie and Twitter fan. Trump’s Achilles Heel is the Saturn-Venus conjunction in his 12th house. Retrograde Saturn will be giving Trump a lot of trouble this year. The August 21 solar eclipse will be conjunct his natal Mars and Ascendant Degree, indicating some sort of crisis.


Retrograde Mercury conjunct Uranus Heads for the Finale

Planetary Patterns & Predictions for end of April 2017. Retrograde Mercury conjunct Uranus brings Unusual events this week & next. Uranus + Mercury promotes Radical Ideas. The New Moon in Aries on April 26 combines with Retrograde Mercury. Venus retrograde is over; Venus is exalted in Pisces and promises improved conditions in May.


How Mercury Retrograde +Uranus Changes Trump’s Thinking

President Trump Flip-Flopped in several areas last week. The explanation is found in Retrograde Mercury joining with Uranus in Aries, the 9th house of Beliefs in Trump’s Astrology Chart. Russia is Out; China is In. Venus planet of Advice is being influenced by Saturn planet of Harsh Reality. Analysis of what to expect from new SCOTUS Justice Gorsuch, based on the Astrology Chart of his Taking Oath of Office.


Mercury Retrograde Begins April 9: Analysis for Each Sign

Mercury is Retrograde in sidereal Aries from Apr 9 – May 3. This Mercury Retrograde period will be crazier than usual because Mercury is conjunct Uranus. Analysis of Effects of Mercury Retrograde with Uranus for each Rising sign. Also this week: Full Moon conjunct Retrograde Jupiter, and Mars enters sidereal Taurus.


Uranus Enters Aries & Trump Bombs Syria

Uranus entering sidereal Aries set up a combination for strong Sudden Action last week: Trump bombed a Syrian air force base. Simultaneously, Trump met with President Xi JinPing, but nothing happened. Saturn, the Reality Check planet, was holding back Venus, planet of Compromise and Agreement.


New Patterns for April: Uranus enters Aries, Mercury Retrograde, Saturn Square Venus

Important new planetary patterns in the zodiac for April 2017. Uranus changes signs, entering Aries. The planet of Freedom will be in the sign of Independence for 7 years. Mercury begins a retrograde period on April 9, also in Aries. Uranus and Retrograde Mercury will be conjunct in late April, indicating Alarming News Reports. Saturn also goes retrograde this month, making a total of 4 retrograde planets for April. Saturn is in exact square aspect with Venus for most of April, causing problems for Venus significations.


2017 Chaitra New Year: Predictions for World Events

The Chaitra New Moon Chart is used to predict for World Events for the coming year for Nations. Predictions for USA, China, Russia and India, for 2017. This year’s Chaitra New Moon puts emphasis on the significations of Retrograde Venus

